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Released Album I HEAR THE EARTH after two years of recording and adaptation.

Illian new vision that touches the listener.

Interpretation of this album takes us into this spooky odyssey. It rekindles the flame and causes the kind emotion indispensable and necessary in our minds and in our hearts.

To complete this achievement Chris BEYA has invited , talented musicians . The entirety of this album will be played on stage and the lights pieces of history Atoll revisited and interpreted in accordance with its original structures.

Note the presence in this album on two tracks Didier HOFFMANN on drums who played with Chris in Atoll in 1976. We also find Andy CHASE ( André TEITSCHEID ) who intervened in the studio on the album OCEAN for choirs. For the song (in English) can be found Michael Kadi on new titles and Andy CHASE on the last piece .

Michael plays all parts of flute . Raoul LEININGER singer on the French version has lent his voice to several choirs.

Character Illian , which appears on the cover of the CD challenges us , let signs hoping they will be decrypted.

It will end soon set into frames for a clip of the group

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